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Name and family name: Léo Perrin

Born the: 11-20-1990

Feel free to contact me at leoperrin (at] for any information.

You can also find me on LinkedIn [link] and github. Part of my work is available here.

A short version of this CV is available as a pdf here.

Une photo de moi

Engineering and mathematics student

Education and Diplomas

2011-2013 Master in Mathematics at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

Exchange student in a master of mathematics at Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, the "Royal Institute of Technology" in Stockholm, Sweden. There I studied, among other things, applied numerical methods, complexity theory, discrete mathematics (algebra, combinatorics…), proof complexity and cryptography.

2009-2011 Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Lyon, France

Multidisciplinary engineering student at the ECL. I followed specific lectures in algorithmic, mathematics (finite elements, functionnal analysis), computer science (constraint and logical programming), fluid mechanics (study of turbulences and unstabilities) and crisis management.

2007-2009 CPGE Scientifique at Berthollet highschool (Annecy, France)

Classes preparing for Engineering Schools competitive examinations. Intensive lectures in math and physics as well as english, philosophy and theoretical computer science classes.

June 2007 Baccalauréat S (high school diploma), with higher distinction

Scientific high school diploma with specialisation in mathematics obtained at Gabriel Fauré high school, Annecy (France).

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Internships and Work Experience

Sep-12 Feb-13 Master thesis within the cryptography group of Aalto's university, Helsinki, Finland

Title: On the properties of S-boxes. Research in mathematics for cryptography, namely studying polynomials in finite fields of characteristic 2 well suited for use as S-boxes.

May-July 2011 Three Months Internship in the LIRIS Laboratory, Lyon, France

Development of a Java application allowing a huge number of people to the annotate media. Java programming (Eclipse), UML modelisation, use of CrowdSourcing (Amazon's Mechanical Turk via CrowdFlower), autonomous working.

juillet 2010 Worker Internship at NTN-SNR, Meythet, France

Internship at the logistics department of a factory. Shelves labelling, stocktaking, handling.

hiver 2007 Private Mathematics Teacher

Private lessons given to a student willing to attend the French competitive exam that used to be required for school teachers (IUFM).

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Academic Projects and Associative Activity

Feb-12 - now Programming of a verifier for the Verificatum mix-net

Verificatum is an implementation of a mix-net, a cryptographical concept used to guaranty anonymity during an electronic vote. I am writing a C++ program parsing the output of Verificatum to check that it worked as intended. I also wrote a working verifier for the previous version of the protocol.

2011-2012 Volunteer at the "language café" at KTH

KTH's library organizes at luch time a meeting with student willing to practice a foreign language with native speakers. I was in charge of making students talk with each other in French once a week: meeting animation, multicultural context, etc.

2010-2011 Second Year Project: Computer Network

Design and realisation of a system implementing the IEEE 802.1x network standard to allow the administration of the network of ECL's campus' residencies. In charge of the use of a LDAP.

2009-2010 First Year Project : Gesture based Interface

Project Manager of a first year project. Design, realisation and test of a Human-computer Interaction (HCI) relying only on the user's gestures, without any mouse or keyboard. Team work, multicultural team management (four nationalities), C++ programming. This project was nominated by the school for the internal price of the best first year project.

2009-2010 Depute-President of ECLAIR

"Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Amis de l'Informatique et des Réseaux" (ECL, Friends of IT and Networks) is a benevolent students association in charge, among other things, of the administration of the network of the residencies on ECL's campus (more than 700 users). GNU/Linux administration, public speech, network administration, realisation of the master of a USB stick given to each first year student.

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Computer Literacy

Some of the code I am working on is available on my github.
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Interests and Hobbies

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